October 17, 2009

Good morning, I love you

I know it's not morning, it's almost evening. Hmmmmm it is evening, actually.

I don't know why, but those words are kinda taking control of my brain. They're everywhere, so I think I have to write this down. Sooo.....

I'm feeling like loving sooooo much
I wanna wake up and say it to people
I wanna go jumping around, smiling to people
I'd go around the world with a smirk plastered on my face, saying "I'm the happiest person on Earth, are you?"
I wanna shake everyone's hand, or give them a huge hug
I'd tell everyone "I love you", without caring about what other peolpe think about my words
I don't know what jealousy is
I don't know that tears are exist
I'm not having this bad feeling inside my chest that hurts so much
I'm not asking why the hell is this feeling is there
I'm happy, I'm fine
I'm not that close to tears
Even if I do, I know why

I wish I could say that, because everything up there, is everything I'm not.
I wish I could really smile and say

"Good morning, I love you"

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