June 27, 2009

Anyer oh Anyer, Bali oh Bali

Emang yah kalo liburan gini yang namanya ke PANTAI itu paling asoy geboy. Entah kenapa gua cinta banget sama yang namanya pantai. Gunung, gak tertarik. Ngapain di gunung? Nanjaknya bikin capek, turunnya bikin jantungan. Udah dingin, palingan cuman naik kuda doang. Okelah emang seger banget udaranya. Tapi karena segernya itulah mai fren, secara yah gua kan asma jadi tiap pagi mesti bangun pagi-pagi digeret Mama ke luar jalan-jalan pagi ngirup udara segar gitu ceritanya. Nah namanya di gunung itu kan dingin sekali mai fren, apalagi kalo PAGI-PAGI. Tega sekali si tante, menyeret gua yang lagi asik-asik tidur dengan alasan menyelamatkan paru-paru gua yang bahkan sedang normal normal aja tuh, malah dibawa keluar pagi-pagi jadi serasa kena paru-paru basah. Entah deh rasanya paru-paru basah itu gimana. Oh, tapi gua mau diajak ke gunung kalo sogokannya berendem air panas. Yang kayak di Ciapalahnamanyaitu banyak banget daerah berawalan Ci di negara ini.

Nah in the middle of this freakin boring holiday, satu-satunya hal yang bikin gua bertahan gak mati bosen sampe sekarang adalah fakta bahwa KATANYA minggu depan om tante sepupu gua yang di Bali mau dateng dan kita pada mau jalan ke Anyer. Tadinya kitanya yang mau nyusul ke Bali (kata Eyang biar Aldo naik pesawat, mending dia ngerti) tapi ternyata gak dapet hotel, semua penuh sampe tanggal 16. Emang kalo ke Bali itu sebenernya sih gua udah bosen (asik ngomongnya sok) jadi gua lebih suka ke Anyer.

Oke jadi tadi gua disuruh meng Google (I'm freakin in love with Google, don't know why)hotel yang ada di Anyer yang deket sama pantai. Karena oh karena, Presidential Suite di Marbella cuma bisa buat semalem doang. Sama aja boong lah ke Anyer cuma nginep semalem, tapi susahnya adalah kita nyari yang ada at least 4 bedrooms sakingan ada berapa orang nih. 1, 2 + 7, + 2, + 4 =.... 16 orang. Susah men.

Udah ah males ceritanya. Emm baru nyadar dari tadi gua ngomong sok sok disisipin English nya gitu. Cinta Laura wannabe. Eh, Manohara deh. Eh, yaaaaa mendingan yang mana deh Cinta Laura apa Manohara. Teserah okeh dadah muah.


This holiday is really really truly unbelievably extremely (oke, lebay abis, gua tau)BORING.

Dan entah kenapa kerjaan gua tiap kali pasti promosi. Promosi Twitter, promosi Flickr, promosi blog, haha nyadar gak? Oh, kemaren abis disuruh Mama mempromosikan bisnis keluarga (baca: Disc Tarra), so here it is..

The world mourns for the loss of the Great King of Pop. Get your Michael Jackson albums in Disc Tarra at Emporium Pluit NOW!

Oke Ma, job well done. Sakingan kemaren gua disuruh kerja di Disc Tarra, gajinya cuman 400.000 sehari udah buat beli David Foster ama CD anak-anak buat Aldo (itu 285.000 sendiri men), kembaliannya disuruh balikin pula! Dimana keadilan, saudara! Yaaa okelah nonton Transformers Mama yang bayar tapi kan cuman 20.000. Popcornnya gua yang bayar. Orangtuaaaaa...

Oke, malah ngomongin ginian ntar gua diprotes lagi males ah.

June 25, 2009

Dearest 8B :')

Begitu liburan kali ini selesai, gua bakal resmi jadi anak kelas 9. Berarti, bakal pisah sama anak-anak 8B. Huah gak mau gua GAK MAU udah nangis-nangis kemaren ama Bonita. Yah pokoknyaaa

8B, makasih yaa buat semuanya. Makasih udah jadi temen-temen sekelas yang kocak, gila, otis, semuanya deh. Bonita Chacha Vero Adam Darenth Dendy Dwipa, makasih udah jadi temen otisan hahahahaha. Jessica Gaby Indah Shearly makasih yah udah mau direpotin dengan dipinjem komiknya majalahnya segala macem. Sandra Bintang Mentari Angel, makasih udah mau jadi temen gua ngegosip gosip segala macem. Noni, makasih udah ngajarin gua tentang video segala macem. Widhi Nico, sama aja lu otisan juga bedua. Bayu Jorji, makasih BANYAK BANGET udah niupin itu plastik plastik jahanam dari CNS ampe leher gua ngilu mulu. Rama, makasih udah senantiasa memberi contekan ke gua heheheh oh dan mempelopori itu para peniup plastik jahanam. Tamma Aldo Tito, sama aja otis semua. Ms Serli, huaaa maaf Mama belom sempet nengok. Mr Andre maaf Ayah saya remed mulu hehe tapi naek kelas kaaaan??

Yaaaa pokoknya gak kebayang gimana ntar udah bukan 8B lagi. ONce again thanks for everything, love youuuuuuuuuu muah muah.

Tris I need a new chapter. NOW.


Just read Trissi's blog after a veeeeery very long time. That jerk part. Hahaaaaaaaa. Yeah that was pretty bad. I mean, I thought I could trust my own friends. Well, apparently not.
Soooo; yeah, I've got lessons from that. Someone said to me "there are many kinds of friends in this world and you'll realize that not everyone is a good friend"
Well I believe they were good friends. They just, I don't know. We're still friends now, since they've apologized to me. But I think we'll got some problems with trust. I don't know. I've known them pretty much soooooo....

The point is, I lost my brothers. And that one, the one that I loved so much for saying something just a couple of days before. Turns out I don't even think I could believe him again.

So! I only have one brother left. I realized he's so kind and he cares about things :) Hey it's not like I like him or something. Let's just hope he won't disappoint me.


I'm kinda addicted to my Flickr nowadays. Since it's holiday and there's still one more week before we get going to Anyer so all I do is going online. Not good, I know. Jumping around between Facebook and Twitter to YouTube to Flickr then back to Twitter then Facebook again then Flickr then the last thing I know I'm Googling some so-not-important things. But tomorrow my Mom's gonna make me work on Disc Tarra. Plan: sneak out and watch 17 Again! Oooor Transformers? Transformers, Shia's better :) But Chris Pine is in Star Trek! Ok back to the topic: Flickr.

Question: What is Flickr?
Answer : Let's Google it. I'm so full of Google right now. Yesterday my sister asked something to me and I was like "don't know. Just go Google it" and the other day she asked me another thing and I was like "I don't know, just Google it".

Ok so, depend on Wikipedia, Flickr is an image and video hosting website, web services suite, and online community platform. In addition to being a popular Web site for users to share personal photographs, the service is widely used by bloggers as a photo repository.[Corporate changes] As of June 2009[update], it claims to host more than 3.6 billion images.[Features], up from 3 billion in November of 2008 [controversy]

Right. I don't even really understand what's that supposed to mean. Oh, well.

So now I'm started to think about making the 365 project on Flickr. You know? It's a project where we have to take picture of ourselves EVERY SINGLE DAY for A WHOLE YEAR. Each day has its own picture, with its own theme. Whether it represents the whole day or it's an event on that day, or maybe just use your imagination a take a unique picture. I waaaaant to but 1) I don't have my own camera and 2) I don't go online that much on weekdays. And I get lazy most of the time.

Aaaaaaand Twitter! People don't go online with Twitter that much :(

Ok follow my Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Nchaa this freaking computer can't load a link in my blog
And my Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/iamnchaa

And sorry if I made mistakes, REALLY feeling like doing this in English. Plus, my Mom told me to.

Oh, I was looking through the movie list on the theaters with my Dad and I said I wanna watch 17 Again and he said it's because I wanna see Zac Efron and I said I wanna watch Transformers 2 and he said I only wanna see Shia LaBeouf. Ok it's true hehheeeeeeh. And I was like "what's your problem dude?" Ok it's so not important. But I'm boooooooooooored and Ravi stopped texting me and Pero stopped chatting with me I have nothing to Google or to watch on YouTube and there's no new uploads on Flickr. Maaaaaan!

June 17, 2009

A Drop in the Ocean

Totally in love with this song :)

A drop in the ocean
A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert
But I'm holding you closer than most
Cause you are my heaven

I don't wanna waste the weekend
If you don't love me, pretend a few more hours, then it's time to go
And as my train rolls down the east coast I wonder how you keep warm
It's too late to cry
Too broken to move on
And still I can't let you be
Most nights I hardly sleep
Don't take what you don't need from me

It's just a drop in the ocean
A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert
But I'm holding you closer than most
Cause you are my heaven

Misplaced trust and old friends
Never counting regrets
But a grace of God I do not rest at all
In new England as the leaves change
The last excuse that I'll claim, I was a boy who loved a woman like a little girl
And still I can't let you be
Most nights I hardly sleep
Don't take what you don't need from me

It's just a drop in the ocean
A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert
But I'm holding you closer than most
Cause you are my

Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore no no
Heaven doesn't seem far away
Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore no no
Heaven doesn't seem far away

A drop in the ocean
A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert
But I'm holding you closer than most
Cause you are my heaven

You are my heaven

"A Drop in the Ocean" by Ron Pope :)