September 17, 2009

One of those bad days; so far

OK one. My throat hurts like hell
Don't know why, it's been like this since yesterday, but today it's getting worse.

two. I can't talk.
Or sing. Or even cough. I don't have my voice anymore, ck.

three. I just realized that I left my flashdisk at home.
I am now in my grandma's house, Kebayoran. Hmm, what a smart girl.

four. The internet's being so lame.
I know there's something wrong with this computer, and I know what. The games my sisters downloaded, it's still here, waiting to be uninstalled. I uninstalled some of it a few weeks ago, but now I can't remember where to uninstalled it. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -,-

So it's still 1 p.m. and I've already got 4 bad things happened today. Oh wait, and then there's

five. This computer hasn't got Adobe Photoshop.
Uuuuuuuurgh another download, another lame computer.

six. I STILL couldn't get the Sony Vegas.
I want it sooooooo baaaaaaaad :(

Ok, I think that's all. So far. Just wanna keep in touch :)
Bye guys, gonna go read Jason Mraz's blog :)

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