June 25, 2009


Just read Trissi's blog after a veeeeery very long time. That jerk part. Hahaaaaaaaa. Yeah that was pretty bad. I mean, I thought I could trust my own friends. Well, apparently not.
Soooo; yeah, I've got lessons from that. Someone said to me "there are many kinds of friends in this world and you'll realize that not everyone is a good friend"
Well I believe they were good friends. They just, I don't know. We're still friends now, since they've apologized to me. But I think we'll got some problems with trust. I don't know. I've known them pretty much soooooo....

The point is, I lost my brothers. And that one, the one that I loved so much for saying something just a couple of days before. Turns out I don't even think I could believe him again.

So! I only have one brother left. I realized he's so kind and he cares about things :) Hey it's not like I like him or something. Let's just hope he won't disappoint me.

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