October 06, 2008

Kakakku sayang, kakakku garang

Yea now I wanna tell you about my older sister (cousin, actually), Adinda Sekar Prastantri a.k.a. Mbak Din or Dinche, sama aja. She's my mom's older sister's daughter. She lives in Kelapa Gading but soon she'll move to Depok. She has a big brother called Mas Angga and he's veeeeeery tall he's about 198 cm tall and he's in 11th grade. Dinche is the closest member of the family to me, she's just 2 weeks older than me. She was born in December 29th 1994, and one of her dogs called Michelle was born in December 29th 2002 so she loves her so much. She has 2 dogs, Michelle and Donna, both Golden Retriever, and 2 Persian cats called Timtam and Lady. Actually she also has 2 Angora cats called Hugo and Sunkist but they ranaway. She's like my bestfriend, we grew up together, we shared secrets. She's kind, and smart, and pretty. Well she's shorter than me so sometimes she asked me to call her my little sister hha.

The only thing wrong is dia tuh galaaaaaaaag. Ama gue sih nggak galak (thank God), tapi kerjaannya di sekolah tuh haduuuuuuuuuuh. Ngegeberin junior-junior. Kemaren dia baru cerita-cerita yang segala dia masuk buku kasus, nomer satu. Rekor, penghuni buku kasus pertama di semester baru. Terus terus kemaren katanya dia masuk kantor kepsek, nggak dipanggil sih, tapi dia liat kalo di black list sekolahnya dia tuh include dia dan temen-temen sepermainannya itu ampuuuuuuun deh. Untung gue adeknya, kalo nggak digeberin mulu kali ye.

1 comment:

Da Dienc said...

heeeh bandeell yahhh!!!!