May 29, 2011

you realize that we won't be waiting on that Potter kid and his friends to be on the cinema again, don't you?

Panic. Panic. Panic. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 is gonna be out soon, and I'm kinda in a dilemma right now. I really, really wanna see the big end. I've been imagining the movie since I finished reading it. On the other side..................................IT'S THE LAST FREAKIN MOVIE OF THE WHOLE FREAKIN HARRY POTTER SERIES, PEOPLE!
There's no more books or movies we can look forward to. After 10 years, it's gonna be over soon. Harry Potter is one of a few things that me and my Mom can talk about, down to the details. It's the only series we both read and love.

Empire Magazine's got its own Harry Potter Celebration issue, and I love it!

 Dan looks gorgeoooouuuus<3<3<3

This boy, is even better. Buffyyyyy

Remember that lion-haired girl back in Sorcerer's Stone? Well, she's not here anymore (:

His nose is surprisingly there

Hagrid! Without the beard!

That is not the boy who played Nevile Longbottom! He can't be!

Tom Felton is............................................................ God, I'm speechless

well this is kinda awkward...............

Helloooooo gorgeous

And last but not least, my favorite

The cover. They all look.......................stunning!

Soooo Harry's gonna be over soon. Let's just sit back and wait for the last movie, okay? And after that, maybe we'll be able to find out what to do with our lives ;p

I've been with Harry since the beginning, and I've stuck with Harry until the very end.

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